Cancer is a type of disease or disorder related to malignant tumors. When a person has cancer, their body has no control over cells which as a result begin to split everywhere in the body.
Several types of cancer treated at SIVR they are:
- Breast cancer
- Bone cancer
- Kidney cancer
- liver cancer
- lung cancer
Breast Cancer |
Breast cancer is one of the common form of cancers affecting women. This cancer has been the highest among women,aging between 45 and 55. Breast cancer can be cured, if the treatment is done properly at an early stage.
Breast cancer treated at SIVR, either through local or systematic treatment. The local treatment of breast cancer is done by removal, destruction or by controlling the cancer cells which are present in the breast. And systematic cancer is done when the cancer spreads to other parts of the body. The various therapies that are used in this treatment involves chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and biological therapy which control and destroy the cancer cells.
Bone Cancer |
Liver Cancer |
One very common symptom of bone cancer is excessive pain, swelling of bones and joints, problems with movement, susceptibility to fractures. Diagnosing bone cancer involves, a number of tests including: X-rays and bone scans to show the exact location and size of the cancer (these are always done prior to biopsy), bone biopsy where a small sample of the cancer is removed from the bone and examined in the laboratory for the presence of malignant cells, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan similar to a CT scan but uses magnetism instead of x-rays to build three-dimensional pictures of your body.
Another form of cancer is liver cancer, and this involves primary as well as secondary liver tumors. When liver cancer is detected at an early stage, it is generally removed by surgically removing the tumor or destroying it through by chemotherapy.
There are also several other features which also determines the treatment that needs to be undertaken involving the condition of the liver, the size of the liver, location, tumor count, the age of the affected person, and the person's overall health.
Lung Cancer |
Kidney Cancer |
The factors on which lung cancer treatment is done includes, the type of the cancer, the stage or how far the cancer has spread, the age of the patient, his or her health status, and many other personal characteristics of the patient. There is no particular treatment for lung cancer, and patients often receive treatment which is a combination of palliative care and several therapies
Kidney cancer, hardly brings any symptoms or problem at its initial stages. However, as the tumor matures, one can observe blood in your urine or feel weight loss or back pain that does not get stopped. kidney cancer cells can spread to other neighboring organs in the body. If kidney cancer is identified and cured early, the possibilities for improvement can be seen.
All these cancer treated at SIVR, done by
specialized doctor and by the form of radio frequency ablation(RFA).